On Tuesday 8th November Vicki and I were lucky to attend the first Children’s University Graduation for HCSPS students. What a great night it was to see our HCSPS students graduate from the Children’s University of Australia at Bonython Hall (University of Adelaide). 4 of our students completed the required learning hours to be presented with their Bronze Certificates. Congratulations! Today I was fortunate to be a recipient of the inaugural CUA Coordinators Award. I am blessed to be part of such an amazing program for young people.
We will be continuing with the Children’s University in 2023. Students can build on their hours to earn silver and gold certificates. Keep an eye out early next year for information if you’d like to join in the fun.
Over the last couple of weeks there have been lots of exciting things happening at HCSPS
R-2 Small Class visited the Museum in Adelaide.
Both Small Classes attended the Variety Christmas Party at the Showgrounds. The Year 5/6 Class toured Adelaide Oval. Today, the whole school watched a performance by Life Matters.
Week 7
Next Tuesday there is a Sausage Sizzle special lunch and the Year 6 students will be going out for the annual Japanese dinner. Thank you Alysha for organising the Japanese dinner.
Sea Explorers 29/11
On Thursday 1st December the End of Year Show Case is on. The show case starts at 6pm. Pre ordered Food is available from 5:30pm until 6pm. Please note that children will be seated in their classes for the whole performance.
There is a school closure on Friday 2/12/2022, the day after the showcase.
Wirreanda Transition is on 1/12 and 2/12for Year 6 students.
Week 8
The Preschool are off to the Zoo on Tuesday 6/12/2022.
The 5/6 class will be participating in Aquatics on Wednesday 7/12/2022.
Hallett Cove School Transition is on 8/12 and 9/12 for year 6 students.
Week 9
On Wednesday 14/12/2022 there is a whole school excursion to the Marion Outdoor Pool to celebrate a great year of learning at HCSPS.
The Preschool Graduation is on Tuesday 13/12/2022 during the day.
The Year 6 Graduation is on 13/12/2022 in the evening.
Life is going to busy over the next few weeks!