Welcome back 2021

Welcome back

I warmly welcome you all to 2021. Now that the first couple of weeks are behind us, it is great to see learning programs in full swing. What has been evident so far this year is a certain calmness around the school with classes and the yard very settled. I look forward to seeing the momentum continue as the year flies by.

On behalf of the entire Hallett Cove South community, I extend a special welcome to our new students and families. This year we have 11 families who have made Hallett Cove South Primary School and Preschool their home. We trust that you will enjoy your time with us for many years.


QR Codes

As you are no doubt aware, it is now a requirement to sign-in via the mySA Gov app

using the QR codes displayed at school building entry points. Please note that signing in is only necessary if you enter a school building.


Annual General Meeting

This year’s AGM will be held on Monday 22nd February at 7pm in the staff room. The purpose of the AGM is for the Principal and Governing Council to present their 2020 reports to the community and discuss school priorities. It is also an opportunity for anyone wishing to nominate for a position on the Governing Council for 2021. I strongly encourage any new parents to attend. We have a highly motivated and committed Governing Council at Hallett Cove South who would warmly welcome new members.


Skoolbag App

I strongly encourage all families to download the Skoolbag app onto your smart phone or device. As we transition towards a less paper-based society, Skoolbag has our main communication platform for whole-school notifications and reminders.



Please continue to support our school canteen. Lunch orders are available on Thursdays and Fridays and over the counter sales are available on Wednesdays.   Keep an eye out for special lunches during the term.


Car Parking

A gentle reminder that the pull in bay on Gretel Crs is for the bus and is not a collection point for students. I thank you for your co-operation in this matter.  

Please also be mindful of parking in front of residents’ bins on collection day (Wednesday).


Chris Tippett



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