Welcome back to Term 4 at HCSPS!


This term is going to be a busy one! Here are some dates for your diary:

Friday 28/10/2022 – World Teachers Day

Wednesday 2/11/2022 – Japan Day

Tuesday 8/11/2022 – Children’s University Graduation at Bonython Hall

Thursday 17/11/2022 – Museum Excursion R-2 Small Class

Wednesday 23/11/2022 – Year 5/6 Adelaide Oval; Small Classes to Variety Christmas Party

Friday 25/11/2022 – Performance ‘The Very Upside-Down Kingdom’

Tuesday 29/11/2022 – Year 6 Japanese Dinner

Thursday 1/12 School Concert

Friday 2/12/2022 –School Closure Day

Wednesday 7/12/2022 – 5/6 Aquatics

Thursday 8/12/2022 – Hallett Cove R-12 Year 6 transition

Friday 9/12/2022 – Hallett Cove R-12 Year 6 transition

Tuesday 13/12/2022 – Preschool Graduation; Year 6 Graduation

Wednesday 14/12/2022 – Whole school Marion Pool

Friday 16/12/2022 – Last day of school, early dismissal


This week 2 classes (3/4 and 5/6) were invited by Nature Play SA to visit Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta for a day of fun and learning. A big thank you to Nature Play SA for inviting us!

On Monday, the school was closed for students, but the staff were all in attendance for Professional Development in Literacy. This time together gives staff time to work together to improve the learning outcomes for our students and develop themselves professionally. A great outcome for everyone!

Have a lovely weekend with your family,



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