It’s hard to believe that this is the final Principal’s Round Up for Term 2 and the end of another successful term of learning.  The many successes this term are due to the hard work and dedication of so many people. Firstly our staff, both the teaching and non-teaching staff. Every day they go above and beyond to make a difference to all children. Our Governing Council and volunteers who give up their time for the benefit of our school and students.

Our wine fundraiser has been a success and the school will receive over $1000 from the fundraising event. Thank you to everyone for supporting our fundraising efforts.

Today we had a visit from David Speirs, our local member of Parliament. He is a great friend to HCSPS and is committed to supporting our school community.

It’s hard to believe the school holidays are just around the corner! I would like to thank everyone for their support this term and hope you all get a chance to spend some quality time with your children over the break. Don’t forget that the first Monday of Term 3 is a Student Free Day with staff undertaking professional development. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 26th July.

Have a lovely break


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