Dear All,

I would like to thank all the wonderful community members who volunteered at the Election Day BBQ. It was good to see a mixture of parents and staff helping on the stall. Without volunteers we wouldn’t be able to do the ‘extra’ things we are able to do at school. Thank you!

This week we had our first soccer/football clinic. Classes will be participating in more sessions over the coming weeks. The sessions are possible due to the grant we have received from our Sporting Schools application.

Would you like to have your say? Do you have ideas and or suggestions you would like to share? Would you like to be more involved in your child’s education? Do you have 2 Monday nights free a term? If so, you may be interested in joining our Governing Council. No experience is necessary, and we are looking for up to 12 new members. All Governing Council members need to have a current Working with Children Check or apply for one. We can support parents to obtain a Working with Children Check.  For more information, come along to the Governing Council AGM on Monday 23rd May in the Front Office at 6pm. I look forward to seeing you there.

Preschool enrolments for 2023 are now open. If you know someone who is looking to send their child to HCS Preschool, please let them know we are now taking enrolments. Tours can be arranged by phoning the school on 8381 4080.


We have had a few cases of COVID this week. Thank you to the families for informing us. Please keep your child home and get them tested if they have any symptoms. Thank you for your support with this matter.


Kind regards

Donna O’Leary

15 + 13 =