The countdown to Sports Day has begun!

COVID Update

This week we have continued to see a rise in positive COVID cases at the school and OSHC. As a community we have been fortunate to have very few positive cases at school. Please follow SA Health and DfE guidelines if your child is unwell. We are following the guidelines for schools and contacting families to come and collect any child who is unwell. We are doing this to help keep everyone safe. Below is our new infographic which will be use to update the community when needed.

It’s extremely important that you keep your child/ren home if they are:

  • unwell
  • experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms
  • any other member of the household has COVID-19
  • they are a close contact for a person who has COVID-19 and are required to quarantine

Please refer to the SA Health website if you need more information.

Staff Shout Outs

One of our staff, Danielle, has successfully achieved the Certificate IV in Education Support

This is a great achievement – well done Danielle!

A big shout out to Chris W for topping up the Orange Unit sand pit! It has become very popular with the students now.

Donations for Sports Day

The Fundraising Group are asking for donations of baked goods to sell on Sports Day. Items can be dropped off at the canteen or Front Office on Sports Day (Thursday). Please provide a list of ingredients with your donations.

Sports Day

At this point we are still planning on running Sports Day on Thursday 14/04/2022. Unfortunately, this could change as we are getting daily updates based on COVID numbers. In the event of a shortage of staff or a spike in COVID cases the day will need to be postponed. We will keep you updated as soon as anything changes.

All the best to Tayla, Shyanne, Bay, Kitty, Hailee and Summer as they lead their houses on Sports Day.

The school community is being asked to be considerate of COVID and its implications. Please socially distance and give classes room to participate safely. Classes will be using hand sanitiser at each rotation to minimise the chance of transmission.

Preschool Playground

If you get the chance take a look at the new parts to the preschool playground. I has been very popular with the children.


Student Free Day 

Our first Student Free Day will be on Monday May 2, which is the first day of Term 2.


Reminder to put Monday May 23rd in your calendar for the AGM for the Governing Council.

I hope everyone has some fun in the sun with their families this weekend.

Kind regards

Donna O’Leary


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